SAP HANA DB의 구조에서 Server 구성 요소

SAP HANA  DB의 구조에서 Server 구성 요소

HANA Database의 Server(Process) 대해서 설명하도록 하겠습니다. HANA DB에서 Server를 Process로 부르는데 여기서 Server와 Process는 동일한 것을 지칭하는 용어입니다.

SAP HANA DB를 구성하는 Server(Process)에 대한 설명 및 각 Server(Process)에 대해서 자세하게 설명 하고 각 Process를 Start and Stop하는 방법을 설명하겠습니다.

HANA DB에서 Server(Server)에 종류 입니다.

  • HANA Index Server
  • HANA Name Server
  • HANA Compile Server
  • HANA Preprocessor
  • HANA Webdispatcher
  • HANA XSengine
  • HANA Statistics Server
  • HANA Script Server
  • HANA Daemon
  • HANA Sapstartsrv

  1. SAP HANA Architecture를 먼저 설명하고 이후에 각 Server, 즉 Process에 대해서 설명하겠습니다.

아래 그림은 HANA Database에서 1개의 Host(서버)에 여러 개의 Database Container(Multi-tenant Database)의 System 구성을 나타내는 그림 입니다.

  1. HANA Architecture에서 핵심 Service에 대해서 설명을 하겠습니다.

HANA Database에서 Server(Process)중에서 중요한 순서로 나열하게 되면 아래 순서로 나열하게 됩니다.

  • HANA Index Server : 가장 중요한 Server 이다.

Data Store(Row and Column Table)을 가지고 있다.

Data를 Load하고, Query하고 결과를 보여준다.

Statistics Server를 기능을 Index Server가 수행한다. (HANA 1.0 SPS74 이후부터)

  • HANA Name Server : 전체 DB의 Landscape 정보를 알고 있다.

Data Distribution 정보를 알고 있다.

오로지 System Database에만 존재한다.

  • HANA Compile Server : 프로그램과 Procedure를 컴파일 한다.

모든 Host(H/W Box)에서 기동되고 OS의 Data를 가지지 않는다.

  • HANA Preprocessor :  Index Server가 Text data를 분석하기 위해 Preprocessor사용한다.

Text Search에 기반한 정보를 추출한다.

  • HANA Webdispatcher : HANA DB에 HTTP로 접근하는 것을 처리한다
  • HANA XSengine           : Web(HTTP)으로 접속하는 것을 처리하는 Engine 이다.
  • HANA Statistics Server : 독립된 서버로 기능을 하다기 HANA 1.0 SPS74이후부터 Index Server에 포함되었다.

System의 모든 Performance 정보, Resource 소비, 상태 정보를  수집한다.

  • HANA Script Server     : C++로 포로그래밍 Application function library를 실행할 때 사용된다.
  • HANA Daemon             : Process를 Start하고 그 Process가 구동되는 것을 유지한다.
  • HANA Sapstartsrv       : Server를 Start하고 Stop하는 기능을 수행한다.

HANA DB의 모니터링 기능을 제공한다.


  1. HANA DB에 추가로 설치가 가능한 Server 내용입니다.

Script Server는 아래 명령어로 Start할수 있습니다.

ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION (‘daemon.ini’, ‘host’, ‘<host name>’) SET (‘scriptserver’,’instances’) = ‘1’ WITH RECONFIGURE

노츠를 참고하세요. Note 1650957 – SAP HANA Database: Starting the Script Server

  1. HANA Server의 Component 용어에 대한  설명(영어)
Server Component OS Process Service Name Description
Name server hdbnameserver nameserver The name server, which runs in the system database only, owns the information about the topology of the SAP HANA system, including knowledge of the tenant databases that exist in the system.
Index server hdbindexserver indexserver The index server, which runs in every tenant database (but not the system database), contains the actual data stores and the engines for processing the data.
Compile server hdbcompileserver compileserver The compile server performs the compilation of stored procedures and programs, for example, SQLScript procedures. It runs on every host and does not persist data. It runs in the system database and serves all tenant databases.
Preprocessor server hdbpreprocessor preprocessor The preprocessor server is used by the index server to analyze text data and extract the information on which the text search capabilities are based. It runs in the system database and serves all tenant databases.
SAP Web Dispatcher hdbwebdispatcher webdispatcher The Web Dispatcher processes inbound HTTP and HTTPS connections to XS classic services.
SAP start service sapstartsrv sapstartsrv The SAP start service is responsible for starting and stopping the other services in the correct order. It also performs other functions, such as monitoring their runtime state.

Optional Services

In addition to the main servers mentioned above, the following optional servers may also be running:

Server Component OS Process Service Name Description
Script server hdbscriptserver scriptserver The script server is used to execute application function libraries written in C++.
The script server is optional and must be added manually to the database that requires it. For more information, see the section on adding a service to a tenant database.
Document store server hdbdocstore docstore This server is required for the document store repository. The document store allows native operations on JSON documents and joins with other column or row store tables.
The document store is optional and must be added manually to the database that requires it. For more information, see the section on adding a service to a tenant database.
XS advanced runtime hdbxscontroller xscontroller SAP HANA includes a run-time environment for application development: SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model (XS advanced). The SAP HANA XS advanced model represents an evolution of the application server architecture within SAP HANA by building upon the strengths (and expanding the scope) of previous SAP HANA extended application services, classic model (XS classic).
hdbxsexeagent xsexeagent The SAP HANA XS advanced runtime consists of several processes for platform services and for executing applications.
hdixsuaaserver hdixsuaaserver The SAP HANA XS advanced runtime runs either on dedicated hosts or together with other SAP HANA components on the same host.
SAP HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI) server hdbdiserver diserver HDI handles the deployment of design-time artifacts into the SAP HANA database. If XS advanced is installed in the system, HDI is already enabled. Otherwise, you must enable it manually.
XS classic server hdbxsengine xsengine SAP HANA Extended Application Services, classic model (XS, classic) is the application server for native SAP HANA-based web applications. It is installed with the SAP HANA database and allows developers to write and run SAP HANA-based applications without the need to run an additional application server. SAP HANA XS is also used to run web-based tools that come with SAP HANA, for instance for administration, lifecycle management and development. XS classic is the original implementation of SAP HANA XS. The XS classic server can run as a separate server process or embedded within the index server.
Extended store server hdbesserver esserver The extended store server is part of SAP HANA dynamic tiering. It provides a high-performance disk-based column store for very big data up to the petabyte range.
Data provisioning server hdbdpserver dpserver The data provisioning server is part of SAP HANA smart data integration. It provides capabilities such as data provisioning in real time and batch mode, real-time data transformations, data quality functions, adapters for various types of remote sources, and an adapter SDK for developing additional adapters.
Streaming cluster hdbstreamingserver streamingserver The streaming cluster is part of SAP HANA streaming analytics. Streaming analytics extends SAP HANA with capabilities of SAP Event Stream Processor for consuming data streams and complex event processing.
Accelerator for SAP ASE hdbetsserver etsserver The SAP ASE server is part of SAP HANA accelerator for SAP ASE. It provides SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) users the ability to use SAP HANA on SAP ASE data for real-time analytics.
SAP HANA remote data sync hdbrdsyncserver rdsyncserver The remote data sync server is part of SAP HANA real-time replication. SAP HANA remote data sync is a session-based synchronization technology designed to synchronize SAP SQL Anywhere remote databases with a consolidated database.

SAP HANA includes a run-time environment for application development: SAP HANA extended application services, advanced model (XS advanced).  The SAP HANA XS advanced model represents an evolution of the application server architecture within SAP HANA by building upon the strengths(and expanding the scope) of previous SAP HANA extended application services, classic model (XS classic).

The SAP HANA XS advanced runtime runs either on dedicated hosts or together with other SAP HANA components on the same host. If the runtime platform of SAP HANA XS advanced is installed in your system, the following additional services run in the system database for platform services and for executing applications:

Server Component OS Process Service Name Description
SAP HANA XS Controller hdbxscontroller xscontroller The Controller is the central management component of SAP HANA XS advanced. For example, it has a view on all deployed and/or running applications and persists configuration and status information in the database.
The Platform Router instance is managed by the xscontrollerservice. The Platform Router, which is realized by an SAP Web Dispatcher instance, exposes the public endpoint for the entire system.
SAP HANA XS Execution Agent hdbxsexeagent xsexecagent The Execution Agent is responsible for managing processes, that is starting, keeping alive, and stopping tasks.
SAP HANA XS User Authentication and Authorization (UAA) hdixsuaaserver hdixsuaaserver The UAA service manages user logon and logoff requests in SAP HANA XS advanced.



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